Our International Program is designed for international schools seeking support to implement a different approach in education for their students.

Our program encourages schools to teach

The Four C’s of the 21st Century Skills

  • Critical Thinking

    Empowers students to question, analyze, and seek the truth. A crucial skill in today’s information-rich world.

  • Creativity

    Encourages students to think outside the box, fostering innovative problem-solving and unique perspectives.

  • Collaboration

    Teaches teamwork and the ability to work with diverse ideas, a fundamental skill for any future career.

  • Communicaton

    Equips students with the ability to express ideas clearly and engage effectively in discussions.

School Membership

International American Program is tailored for all international schools seeking to elevate their academic standards to meet the criteria set by the American educational system.

Membership options

  • Standard

    • Curriculum alignment

    • Pedagogical Support

    • Professional Development

    • Accreditation support

  • Premium

    Coming February 2024!